Sales Jobs

Open Sesame, the door to your next sales job opens before you.

Except the door didn’t open by magic. Employal opened it for you.

Sales is such a popular industry. As a result, we have jobs on a national basis in a rich mix of industries. Our roles don’t just fall into the stereotypical outbound sales norm, we recruit in account management, internal and external sales and other areas- across all levels of seniority. However, we understand the sales jobs are personality driven. So, whilst we will help you write your CV to show the value you bring, we will also help make your personality shine throughout the process. As part of this process, we will work with you on your interview technique to ensure you make a great first impression.

Sales jobs

There are so many sales jobs available. This is largely due to the different types of sales that you can get involved with. Including B2B or B2C Sales, Saas Sales, Direct, Door-to-Door, Social Selling and more. But, don’t think that it will all be the same sort of selling. As you can also work in an inbound or outbound capacity, or in lead generation and account management. This sector really is diverse and offers so much to those in the industry.

What are sales jobs?

Sales jobs are roles where a person is responsible for building relationships with new and existing customers, establishing their needs and then providing a solution. Which is often in the form of their company's products or services. As part of this, salespeople will generate leads of prospective customers to target, convert those customers and even negotiate contracts with them. This is traditionally a heavy outbound role, where the salesperson will make calls and emails to reach customers. However, in today's world, you can also find inbound sales jobs that handle incoming enquiries.

The Impact of AI on Jobs

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How to Write a Good CV

So, you’ve seen a job you want to apply for? What next? Send over a copy of your CV. Not necessarily! Things are changing now we’re heading into Summer of…

How to get a job in Sales

Sales is a personality and soft-skill driven sector. So, to get into the industry, you really need to evaluate this against the qualities that are needed for the role. Asking questions like, do I enjoy being with people, am I good at building rapport and how do I handle objections? Then, it’s you can start thinking about getting a job in sales. You don’t need experience in sales to get in front of employers (though like with anything it does help), however, you do need to be able to sell your soft-skillset and personality. Additionally, there are so many transferable skills that you can to help elevate your standing amongst sales candidates. So, to get into sales you need to:

  • Evaluate. Identify your skillset and the companies/industries you love.
  • Connect. Match up your strengths to roles that these companies offer
  • Learn.  You can really set yourself above other applicants by learning what the company offers and how you would sell them.

Then you can start writing up your CV and start searching for your dream sales job.  As a recruitment agency that works on sales jobs, we’re always on hand to support you if you’re looking to make sales your career. You can call, email or message us your questions through our website.

Sales Positions

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